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2008 Issue 3

Issue 3

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Cover article

This issue is devoted to the international conference on outcome based evaluation on child and family services held in Padova (Italy) in 2008.

Seeking effective strategies

Problems such as child maltreatment, abuse, delinquent behaviour, social exclusion, problematic behaviours, deprivation and many others should be addressed. In the real world, on these topics, there are more problems than solutions, even if many people and different organizations have been dealing with researches on these themes for many years. For the conference, we chose to focus on the point of view of the children and parents in difficulty, living everyday in the conditions listed above. How could we do this? We considered these network an occasion for exchanging visions. 



Family social work in the residential setting of the Otto Gerhard Heldring Stichting: is it relevant?

authors: Jelle Drost, Jana Knot-Dickscheit

Outcomes for youth in residential care vs. intensive in-home therapy: a propensity score analysis

authors: Richard P. Barth, Johanna Greeson, Shenyang Guo, Sarah Hurley, Jocelyn Sisson

Meeting the needs of children without parental care: a contemporary international policy analysis

authors: Jennifer C. Davidson

Emotional maltreatment in young Canadians: results of the second incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (CIS-2)

authors: Claire Chamberland, Barbara Fallon, Tara Black, Nico Trocmé and Martin Chabot

Troubled and troublesome children: a challenge for professionals

authors: Helen Agathonos-Georgopoulou, Vivi Tsibouka, Angeliki Skoubourdi

Permanence in foster care: meanings and systems for planning and support

authors: Gillian Schofield

Foster care practice in Spain: an outcomes assessment approach

authors: Jorge F. del Valle, Mónica López, Amaia Bravo

Why foster care placements breakdown? A study into the factors influencing foster care placement breakdown in Flanders

authors: Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Sofie Coussens

Child-Parent contact in foster care situations

authors: Peter M. van den Bergh, Tonny (A.M.) Weterings

Secure residential treatment for juveniles with severe behavioural problems: what about its outcomes?

authors: Annemiek T. Harder, Erik J. Knorth, Margrite E. Kalverboer, Tjalling Zandberg

Effectiveness conditions in out-of-home placement of children and adolescents

authors: Laura Palareti, Chiara Berti, Francesca Emiliani

Outcomes for youth in residential care

authors: Robert M. Goerge, Andrew Zinn

Characteristics of severely troubled children, adolescents, and their families

authors: Tine Egelund, Mette Lausten

A case-control study of a representative sample of young adults who received child welfare services in Quebec during adolescence

authors: Eric Yergeau, Robert Pauzé and Jean Toupin

The transition to adulthood for young people leaving public care: developing an international research group and the challenges of comparative work

authors: Mike Stein, Emily Munro

Participation of children and young people living in institutional care

authors: Hélène Milova

Israeli youth in foster care: who are they and what do they need?

authors: Anat Zeira

Changing the tune from cannibal corpse, obituary and deicide: emotionally focused therapy with metal heads and their families

authors: Itzhak Lander

Health Promotion in Primary School: an experimental project in Veneto Region

authors: Elizabeth Mary Tamang Alessandro Mantovani, Martina Di Pieri, Rosanna Canova

The impact of schools counselling in managing troubled youngsters: understanding complexity in schools’ approaches to managing troubled youngsters by testing methods to capture synergy and mediatory factors

authors: Chris Warren-Adamson, Joy Warren-Adamson

The Internet as resource for working with youth at risk: Attitudes of normative and dropout adolescents towards using the Internet

authors: Shlomo Romi, Orit Mannor-Muldoon

Crisis nursery service outcomes for caregivers at multiple sites in Illinois

authors: Susan Cole, Pedro Hernandez

Background. Although crisis nursery services were developed in the early 1970’s to prevent child welfare placements, assessing the effects of their services for families and children presenting with specific problems has been elusive. The limited studies

authors: Wim De Mey

The transition process from kindergarten to primary school: a path towards risk reduction and resource potentiation of school age children

authors: Mara Manetti, Barry H. Schneider, Laura Frattini, Nadia Rania, Robert Coplan

How evidence based is the assessment of Intimate Partner Violence in child protection risk assessments? A cross national comparison

authors: Mary Ann Forgey, Mary Allen, Johna Hansen

Evaluation of care pathways for 0-6 children placed in residential care

authors: Paola Milani, Vera Da Rin, Cinzia Canali, Giorgia Zara, Claudio Roncoroni, Marco Ius, Paola Baglioni

Researching history of restraining practices in children’s residential care: methodological considerations

authors: Susanna Hoikkala

Developmental adjustment in adolescents growing up in childcare institutions in Romania

authors: Gabriela Misca

Designing with care: Interior design and residential child care

authors: Andrew Kendrick, Catherine Docherty

Process and outcomes of needs-led and family-focused child and youth care: preliminary findings in a programme evaluation

authors: Janneke Metselaar, Erik J. Knorth, Peter M. Van den Bergh

Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) for young offenders: comparing young people referred to MTFC in England and the USA

authors: Nina Biehal

Comparing youth outcomes for group care and treatment foster care: An application of propensity score matching

authors: Bethany Lee, Ron Thompson

Current trends in the use of residential child care: the legacy of a ‘last resort’ approach

authors: Ian Milligan

Do training programs work? Evaluation of the training Coping with Social Limits

authors: Anne-Marie N. Huyghen, Tjalling Zandberg, Johan Strijker

Process-outcome research with severe troubled children and their families in Flanders: pleading for a mixed-method model

authors: Bert Van Puyenbroeck, Gerrit Loots, Hans Grietens, Wolfgang Jacquet

New developments on intensive treatment for young conducted disordered youth in The Netherlands

authors: Leonieke Boendermaker

The concept “intensive special care” for troublesome children and young people: The Finnish case

authors: TPösö Tarja, Kekoni Taru, Kitinoja Manu

Promoting increased safeguarding of children London minority ethnic faith communities

authors: David Derbyshire

From competition to cooperation: the possibilities for reconnection engendered by a positive school climate

authors: Sibylle Artz, Diana Nicholson

Children’s vulnerability, institutional dependency and reintegration: a dialectic cultural response

authors: Barnabe D’Souza

Research pilot ‘schools and (ex-) criminal youngsters’. Integration of ex-delinquent juveniles in education

authors: Daan Wienke

The impact of Juvenile Justice interventions on young offenders in Spain

authors: Amaia Bravo, Maria Jesús Sierra, Jorge F. Del Valle

The programme for Social Adoption in Naples and Campania Regione

authors: Giuseppe Cirillo, Carmela Di Maio, Dora Artiaco, Paolo Siani

A local service for children and their families: resulats of four years of activity

authors: Teresa Bertotti

Family environment and parental stress in families of children affected by organic or psychological conditions

authors: Eleonora Maino, Donatella Fara, Massimo Molteni

Interventions for children with multiple needs: severity, effectiveness and costs

authors: Maria Bezze

How is the mental health situation of children receiving assistance from child welfare service?

authors: Anette Christine Iversen, Toril Havik, Reidar Jakobsen, Kjell Morten Stormark

Actualizing synergy in a community mental health system of care through assessing leadership collaboration

authors: Anita Lightburn

Negotiating welfare and mental health systems: The experience of former adolescent milieu residents over fifteen years

authors: Patricia McNamara

Domino 2 Project: individualized education support for parenting skills

authors: Luca Sommadossi, Silvana Rossi

A path to climb: resistances and curiosity for an innovative method

authors: Teresa Ammirati, Donatella Salerni

Time for Inclusion in the multicultural Europe: looking at Youth and Family from a comparative window

authors: Barbara Giovanna Bello

The role of the attachment theory in understanding “the need of family” owned by every child and in providing the right answer to this need

authors: Elisa Pajusco

Purpose. This presentation raises from the following question: “Why disturbed attachments damage so strongly human growth so that children, when becoming adults, look for the same type of disturbed attachment and source of suffer they experienced and got

authors: Sonia Saugo, Elena Dal Ben, Stefania Carollo, Alessandra Sartore, Chiara De Marchi, Elena Ferracin, Sonia Garzaro, Antonella Lagni, Gianna Thiella, Fabrizia Polo, Paola Milani

Families and children: a strategy for social assessment

authors: Carmen Prizzon

Instrument for divided and shared planning: the experience of the Regional Centre “I Girasoli” of Padua

authors: Andrea Frosi, Maria Elisa Antonioli, Paola Gandellini

From foster care to independent living. Qualitative micro-research on outcome evaluation of children’s permanence in a family-type residential setting

authors: Gianmaria Gioga, Sara Serbati

Multiprofessional intervention versus uniprofessional one: intensive treatment alternatives for adolescents with psychic and behavioural disease

authors: Michela Gatta, Riccardo Pertile, Paolo Testa, Lara Del Col, Giovanni Ceranto, Rosaria Sorgato, Luigi Bianchin, Antonio Condini

Facing with a new abandonment risk in centres for the right of visit and relationship

authors: Paola Dallanegra, Alessandro Selva, Irene Lozar, Giancarlo Galli, Diego Bissacco

The Project “Space for the Counselling of Teenagers and their Families”

authors: Patrizia Zanibon, Denise Rigoni

The way to adoption: five years follow-up (2002-2006). Results and criticalness

authors: Alessandra Moro, Federica Elmetti, Lisa Samassa

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