
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research


Purpose. This presentation raises from the following question: “Why disturbed attachments damage so strongly human growth so that children, when becoming adults, look for the same type of disturbed attachment and source of suffer they experienced and got


Background. The research considers interventions with vulnerable families where, even if parental skills were poor, good prognosis of recovering and cooperation between family and social care were present. From the ecological perspective that considers family as part of social network, the project aims to relate parental support to protect children. The intervention goals are: reduction of children's discomfort, promotion of change and autonomy process of family, promotion of relationships between children, family and social networks.

Enabling social resources aims to promote the empowerment of familial upbringing skills in order to restore the family insiede the local social community. The topic of the research refers to the more general topic of the right of childrento stay within their own family.

Purpose. The project aims to describe the care process of 24 familis in the period 2003-2006. The sample consists of 25 0-17 years old children (16 male and 9 female, 20 Italian and 5 foreigner).  Interventions focused particularly on 15 children 9-14 years old. Families included: 15 both parents; 8 single mother; 2 single father. In some cases there were siblings and reconstituted families. The goal consists of an evaluation of the results of the care process with families and ability to maintain the goals reached. The project is characterized by a double focus:

1.   to support the children in the development process,

2.   to work with the family in order to empower their ability and potentialities.

We used a quali-quantitative approach: qualitative (sample not statistically representati­ve, qualitative data collection) and quantitative (using an evaluation instrument based on indicator and variables). Data analysis aimed to a qualitative comprehension of the developmental paths of children and families in order to improve the work of our staff. The survey instrument focused on three points:

  • child,
  • family,
  • intrafamilial and extrafamilial relationships (between family and social networks).

For each point we defined indicators based on the goasl and variables of the project. We analyzed the variables in 4 different times: start-up of the care process, start of the educational project, at the end of project, after 6 months (at least) from the end of the care process. The analysis at different stages allows to identify changes of children and family and to evaluate if the goals have been reached and the well being of the child and the family have been promoted.

Expected results. When a family lacks on parental skills, the intervention of social care works if the intervention provided helps parents to get better skills and improves relationship within and outside their family. Consequently, a good process consist of two changing directions:

  • child and family can accomplish their tasks and are able to better relate within the social networks in which they live; in this way they can also be acknowledged and empower their own self esteem;
  • social network, involved in each difficult social-familial situation, can promote process of social inclusion.
  • In relation to the goal of keeping the child at home, the intervention results are:
  • 14 families improved well avoiding the separation from the child;
  • 7 families did not reach an acceptable skill improvement; we proceed with intervention depending on child age and personal parental resources (2 children were placed out of home, 2 children out of home with their mother, 2 in other forms of residential, 2 daily foster care);

-        5 families did not end social intervention because of lack of project consent.

A year after the project conclusion, reached results have been maintained in those cases in which the children were not separated from the family (child at home or in daily foster care).

Implications and recommendations. Laws and care policy have increase the role of family within social care services (L. 328/2001). As a consequence, we put a wider focus on residual abilities of parents and on their empowerment in order to allow the right of the child to a family (Convention on the Rights of the Child New York and Convention of Strasburg).

The implication consists in promoting care processes that empower parental empowerment despite interventions where children are separated from their own family. For this reason, it is important to consider the family vulnerability from the point of view of the responsibility of the social community.

Key references

Cyrulnik, B. & Malaguti, E. (2005). Costruire la resilienza. Trento: Erikson.

De Ambrogio, U., Bertotti, T., & Merlini, F., (2007). L'assistente sociale e la valutazione. Esperienze a confronto. Roma: Carocci.

Janssen, C. (2006). L'educatore nella casa del bambino, il sostegno educativo a minori a famiglie in difficoltà, Milano: Ambrosiana.

Contacts: Sonia Saugo, Servizi Tutela Minori dell'Azienda Ulss 4 "Alto Vicentino" (Regione Veneto); Cooperativa Radica' Calvene (VI). Sonia Saugo, Servizio Tutela Minori ULSS 4 Via Ca' Pajella, 19 Thiene (VI), E-mail: sonia.saugo@ulss4.veneto.it, Phone 0445 - 343406 /0445 - 343400.

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