Pubblications for keyword: Usa
Adapting, manualizing and evaluating an evidence based CBT Group of intervention for youth with depressive symptoms for delivery in school-based settings
authors: Mary C. Ruffolo, Daniel Fischer, Sarah Fraley, Kristy Postlewaite, Shannon Hill, Dave Neal
keywords: Usa, mental health, depression
Outcomes for youth in residential care
authors: Robert M. Goerge, Andrew Zinn
keywords: Usa, substitute care, residential care
Cross national implementation of the Homebuilders® Model: Experiences, challenges and outcomes
authors: Shelley Leavitt, Charlotte Booth
keywords: Usa, evaluation, home, family, treatment, prevention
Exploring the landscape of ‘evidence-based’ interventions for ‘deep-end’ children and their families: how do we know ‘what works’ and how do we make more of it available?
authors: James K. Whittaker
keywords: evidence-based, multiply-involved children, efficacy, effectiveness, Usa
Comparing youth outcomes for group care and treatment foster care: An application of propensity score matching
authors: Bethany Lee, Ron Thompson
keywords: Usa, outcomes, peer contagion, group care
Mental health disorders of youth in foster care and foster care alumni in the United States
authors: Peter J. Pecora
keywords: Usa, mental health disorders, foster care, children
Actualizing synergy in a community mental health system of care through assessing leadership collaboration
authors: Anita Lightburn
keywords: Usa, system of care, synergy
The reluctant role of the Federal Government in Child Welfare in the United States
authors: John Sciamanna
keywords: child welfare, Usa
How evidence based is the assessment of Intimate Partner Violence in child protection risk assessments? A cross national comparison
authors: Mary Ann Forgey, Mary Allen, Johna Hansen