Pubblications for keyword: Israel
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Vulnerable young people in Israel: Their stories about transition to adulthood
authors: Anat Zeira
keywords: care leavers, transition to adulthood, qualitative research, israel
Israeli youth in foster care: who are they and what do they need?
authors: Anat Zeira
keywords: leaving care, foster care, israel
Formative and Summative Evaluation of a Program to Facilitate Transition from Care in Israel
authors: Rami Benbenishty, Anat Zeira, and Alexandra Magnus
keywords: israel, leaving care
Changing the tune from cannibal corpse, obituary and deicide: emotionally focused therapy with metal heads and their families
authors: Itzhak Lander
keywords: israel, metal heads
Ritual and physical exercising in the treatment of traumatized bereaved children in the context of political violence
authors: Vered Slonim-Nevo, Itzhak Lander
The Internet as resource for working with youth at risk: Attitudes of normative and dropout adolescents towards using the Internet
authors: Shlomo Romi, Orit Mannor-Muldoon
keywords: adolescents, israel
Stories of Success and Failure among immigrant adolescents at risk: Developing a family/community based model of intervention
authors: Ludmila Rubinstein, Julia Mirsky, Vered Slonim-Nevo
keywords: israel, intervention, immigrants
Evaluation of child parent treatment centres in Israel
authors: Dori Rivkin
keywords: israel, children, welfare, counselling, therapies, outcomes
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