
An International Database and eJournal for Outcome-Evaluation and Research

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2010 Issue 1

Issue 1

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Cover article

This issue is devoted to the Conference Care Matters: Transforming Lives - Improving Outcomes Conference, incorporating the 8th International Looking After Children Conference (7-9 July 2008, Keble College, Oxford UK)

Planning & Review, Intervention and Outcomes for all Children in Need


Relational assessment and case planning

authors: Gerard Bellefeuille

Adolescent Multi Agency Support Service - Islington Children and Families, Children’s Services

authors: Kim Lawson, Nina Stevens, Garry Richardson

Implementation of the Integrated Children’s System in Sweden: a successful strategy

authors: Kjerstin Bergman

Family project: a demonstration project of family therapy for neglectful families

authors: Michèle Brousseau, Madeleine Beaudry and Marie-Claude Simard

Issues, challenges, and operationalization of the use of the Assessment Framework in the Quebec context: the example of the IACDW initiative

authors: Claire Chamberland and Danielle Lessard

A picture of the outcomes for children in care in Victoria: using the Looking After Children records for knowledge building and service improvement

authors: Ruth Champion and Sarah Wise

Involving young people in decision making: the impact of the Integrated Children’s System

authors: Hedy Cleaver and Wendy Rose

SERAR system (assessment and recording system in residential child care): assessing outcomes and monitoring data for children in residential care in Spain

authors: Jorge F. del Valle, Amaia Bravo and Iriana Santos

Supervisory role in the successful implementation of Looking After Children

authors: Lynn Desjardins, Sharon Evans, Doreen Haveman

Effectiveness conditions in residential care for children and adolescents: results from an Italian study

authors: Francesca Emiliani, Laura Palareti, Chiara Berti

The National Care Planning Project: a multi-disciplinary approach to care planning and research for children in care

authors: Agnes Feely, Rosa Lewis, Caroline Roe

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the new Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBS)

authors: Alan France and Emily R. Munro

Child welfare transformation at Brant: examining child performance outcomes

authors: Andrew Koster, Catherine Gabel, Margaret Barr, Rhonda Hallberg

Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire to aid in the early identification of looked after children’s mental health needs in Ontario, Canada

authors: Robyn A. Marquis, Marie-Pierre Paquet and Robert J. Flynn

The Cost Calculator for Children’s Services: extension for all children in need - mapping children in need services

authors: Samantha McDermid

The Integrated Children's System and disabled children: parents’ and practitioners’ initial experiences and evaluations

authors: Wendy Mitchell and Patricia Sloper

Intelligent information systems: a tool for improving practice

authors: Terry Moore and Mike Gatehouse

Family drug and alcohol court: parental substance misuse – the problems

authors: Anthony Nagle

Shards of the old looking glass: restoring the significance of identity constructions in promoting positive outcomes for looked after children

authors: Isabella McMurray

Service user experience of case managed interventions

authors: Susan Tregeagle

Asset-building and the Ontario Looking After Children Project: fostering resilient outcomes in children and youth in out-of-home care

authors: Cynthia Vincent, Shaye Moffat, Marie-Pierre Paquet and Robert J. Flynn

From assessment to analysis

authors: Steve Walker and Jane Scott

The effect of the Looking After Children approach on the development of children in foster care: preliminary data from four Quebec youth centres

authors: Marie-Andrée Poirier, Marie-Claude Simard, Véronique Noël, Isabelle Boisvert3

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